Tantan Alcántara

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Inazuma Eleven Go Strikers


Name: Tantan Alcántara
Japanese Name: タンタン・アルカンタラ (Tantan Arukantara)
Glodelanian Name: Тантан Алкантара (Tantan Alcantara)
Baybayin Name: ᜆᜈ᜔ᜆᜈ᜔ ᜀᜎ᜔ᜃᜈ᜔ᜆᜇ (Tantan Alkantada)
Gender: Female
Position: Goalkeeper
Element: Wood
Teams: Glodelania Thunder
Age: 16 (as of 2022)
Birthday: September 28, 2006
Relationship: Khristian Alcántara (Older Brother)
Game: Inazuma Eleven Go Strikers 2013


Tantan Alcántara is a goalkeeper from Glodelania's national team, Mighty Thunder.


Tantan Alcántara appears to be blonde and short hair with an average pale skin. She inherited her blonde hair from her father, Larry Alcántara.


Tantan Alcántara was born on September 28, 2006 on the state of Sakura which is exactly 10 years after her older brother was born. She is a huge fan of soccer so she decided to train with her brother how to become a good soccer player and she choose to be a goalkeeper. On June 12, 2016, she got enrolled to AMAG University and learn more about soccer. When she finally mastered her first technique, Burning Catch, she was immediately chosen by her state's official soccer team which is Sakura FC. As the time goes by, she finally mastered a new technique called God Hand X and stopped her brother's technique, Ryuusei Blade. On October 20, 2017, she became the captain of Hacienda FC and she choose her brother to become the secondary captain. On June 1, 2022, she and her brother was picked to become the members of Glodelania's national team, Mighty Thunder became of nobody has ever beaten her God Hand X. Eventually, Tantan Alcántara is thinking that God Hand X isn't enough because she knows the whole world has a lot of strong players, so she decided to master a new technique but she wasn't able to fully master her new technique until she made it to FFI Finals because even she fully evolved God Hand X to Shin, it wasn't enough, so she finally fully mastered Burai Hand.

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